Rock Challenge
November 19 th, 2009
Cultural Hall Tokyo, JP
Dancers: Grace Galasso, Mia Kwan, Karin Kwan, Bo Oudendijk, Zowi Oudendijk, Nie Oudendijk, Rika Shibata, Emy Shibata, Sho Stehr, Kenton Stehr, Leah Stehr, Colin Stehr, Andrian Okuno Padrilla, Kei Komuro,
Music / Vocal / Choreographer: Monique van Kerkhof
The theme is about the dreams that children have. These dreams represent elements of reality often affected by fictional characters and instructions given by adult voices which tell children how to move and where to go in life. The freedom of their minds takes them to a world of growing imaginary trees, skateboards and adventurous thieves like LUPIN. There is diversity of their thoughts while facing the reality of living in a world directed by adults and their fears. This is a dance piece with moves showing freedom, despair, action and fun, danced under music composed and directed by Monique Van Kerkhof from Mondesign. (From Japan Times)